Normandy Summer?

Hello from windy, stormy Normandy!  We’re not flooded, but the grass squishes just the slightest bit when you walk on it.  And while mornings are gloriously sunny, by noon the stormy skies are up.  I’m staying in a house with a great, long swimming pool so my swims are first thing, when the sun is out. Then, it’s really summer!

The Art of Cooking and Photography class was a resounding success, and I wanted to share some of the student photos.  I watched as these amateur photographers, under the careful eye and hand of internationally acclaimed photographer Francis Hammond turned into confident professionals.  When they didn’t have the camera to their eye, or their focus on the computer as they edited, they were sizzling and sauteing in the kitchen.  Meals were glorious, and I expect to see good things from participants, both visually and gustatorily.  As Gretchen Goerend said 

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Nutmeg, More Precious Than Gold

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