I am no political pundit, but I cannot help notice, amidst the aftermath, some positives:
- Three million copies of Charlie Hebdo were printed for today, and they are sold out everywhere. This could help the magazine, which is in bankruptcy (a team of cartoonists went to see President Holland in October to see if he could help them out financially. It is reported he loves the magazine, despite that it often pokes fun at him).
- The Jewish community feels that France may be awakening from its anti-Semitic torpor. Jewish schools and places of worship are under heavy security. “France without Jews is not France,” Manuel Vals, Prime Minister.
- President Francois Holland is showing his mettle.
- The government is talking about education and how to reform it, and linking ills (and terrorism) with poor education and economy.
- The French government has officially remarked that it doesn’t mind the U.S. absence at the march on Sunday.
- The French government has rejected a Homeland Security program.
- Europe might actually become a country over this
- French religious leaders are on the same page
- Je suis Charlie signs everywhere (see photos below, one square block in Louviers).
- There is much talk on air waves and in communities about democracy, free speech, the Republic in positive ways
- The police are being cheered and honored; a police spokesperson said this feels good since they are usually denigrated.
- Next week there will be a ceremony at Les Invalides, the first ever held there for victims of a terrorist attack