Thanks and Praise

We’re getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in a very small way, then in a very big way, then a third time in a medium way.  That’s Thanksgiving when you’re an expatriate; you get to do it when, where, how, and as many times as you want! As I plan for the upcoming meals, shared with […]

Concarneau – Brittany’s Best

Brittany. It’s a magic land.  I just returned from a few days respite in Concarneau, in the Finistere,  a bustling sea port of 20,000 settled around its crown jewel, the Bay of Concarneau. City planners long ago knew the beauty they held in their hands, and specified that houses on the coast could be of any […]


  This is how I describe the French.  Despite the events of Friday night they are out in the streets and cafes in force, somewhat subdued but present; there is time for drinks and laughter, hugs and solidarity, the force to say “Meme Pas Peur”, “I’m not even afraid”, a phrase kids say to bullies […]

Details from the Week

November and another delicious class has just ended at On Rue Tatin. It is always hard to say goodbye when so much has been shared, even for a few days. It is amazing how attached we become through cooking and eating together, visiting the market and marveling at the details of life in a French town. […]

Revolution and Pumpkin Tart

I just attended a Food Heritage and Culinary Practices Symposium, in Paris.  The presenters ranged from high-level social scientists, French educators using art to instill traditional and cultural culinary values, Ukrainian molecular-cuisine inspired chefs distilling traditional flavors, Basque scientists who invent edible “cloches” and other marvels, Hispanic ethno botanists making villages healthy through farming, an […]

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