Some Tour Highlights

Books flew off the signing table at Bastille as guests (and author) enjoyed a lovely kir, then segued into Mushrooms with Chorizo from In a French Kitchen, and a beautiful meal prepared by chefs Christophe and Michelle Poteaux.  Everyone who attended was so happy, so filled with questions, so delighted with the moment!  A delicious […]

How to Test a Recipe – Poached Pears

I have a confession to make. I love to test recipes. It’s creative, it’s finicky, it’s challenging. The aromas are marvelous, the workplace is comfortable and familiar, and you get to taste and share what you’ve just tested. When I talk about testing a recipe, I’m talking about preparing one for publication. It may be […]

Top Ten Kitchen Tools

Here are my ten favorites, the tools that make my life in the kitchen easier and more efficient.  I’ve got many more, which I will share with you here, and in my brand new book (out next spring!).  These, though, will get you started towards an organized, efficient and esthetic kitchen! 1.  Multiple mise-en-place dishes […]

Delicious Sicily

I just spent a few days in Sicily, and floods of memories came back the minute I stepped off the bus in Agrigento –  of candied squash-stuffed butter cookies, bread made with grano duro that tastes hauntingly like cinnamon, mollica (dried, toasted breadcrumbs) which are an essential ingredient in Sicilian cuisine, just-out-of-the-Mediterranean swordfish, almonds that […]

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