Mid-Summer Rhubarb

    I think my rhubarb plant loves me.  I blush to say this, but it’s got to be true. Each season, it gets bigger and more productive.  This year, it multiplied so I actually have two rhubarb plants this year.  And while its stalks don’t turn that luscious, deep red of some varieties, its […]

Rhubarb and Mom

Rhubarb and vanilla

What’s the best thing about spring? I know, everything.  But if you focus, bring it down to the details and ignore radishes, then it’s got to be rhubarb.  And one rhubarb plant (which over the years becomes two, then three, then…) will supply enough rhubarb for a family of three, plus the neighbors. My rhubarb […]

Grilled Chicken with Spicy Rhubarb

  Naturally, the French cook has a way with this fleeting gift of spring.  Typically, it is wrapped in buttery pastry, pureed and put under a meringue, atop ice cream, blended with cream, cooked in syrup.  Here, I’m inspired by the French fascination with sugar syrup to turn rhubarb into a sweet, zesty sauce for […]

Spring Buying Tips at the Farmers Market

A walk through the farmers’ market, particularly now when the season is changing and we’re suddenly offered a whole, new array of produce, is magic. It’s one thing to be seduced by the beauty and newness of it all, though, and another to know how to choose the very best, because it all looks fantastic. […]

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