Grilling without a Grill

Grilling without a grill. How can that be possible? It’s simple, because everyone loves the flavor of grilled foods, but we don’t all have the luxury of a back courtyard or a porch, a front garden or even a side alleyway where a grill can sit year-round. So, the following recipe for Bay Grilled […]
Food, Memory, Nostalgia

I wrote this piece, which was originally published on Signature , in response to a question about parallels that can be drawn between passing down recipes from generation to generation and passing down stories from generation to generation. I thought you’d enjoy reading it here. I’m including a picture of my own grandmother, with my grandfather, […]
Some Tour Highlights

Books flew off the signing table at Bastille as guests (and author) enjoyed a lovely kir, then segued into Mushrooms with Chorizo from In a French Kitchen, and a beautiful meal prepared by chefs Christophe and Michelle Poteaux. Everyone who attended was so happy, so filled with questions, so delighted with the moment! A delicious […]
Wine Tasting

For the past fifteen years, I’ve hosted a monthly wine tasting on Rue Tatin for a group of about fifteen friends. The group has shifted and changed but one thing has remained constant – everyone who comes for the three hour tasting loves every minute of it. Hervé Lestage, oenologue and caviste, brings the wine. Together we […]