Heirloom Tomato Tubes
Heirloom Tomato Tubes

Use a vintage apple corer to make the tubes…

5 large, ripe but not soft, tomatoes

(beef heart, green zebra, or other flavorful variety), cored

1 generous tablespoon balsamic vinegar

8 ounces (250g) buffalo mozzarella

2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves

The zest from ½ lemon

Extra virgin olive oil

Fleur de sel

Freshly ground black pepper

1.  Slice off one end of each tomato.   Using an apple corer, cut as many tubes from the tomatoes as you can.  As you release a tomato tube, place it on one of four small plates, in a wide ring.  Make sure that some of the tubes are on their sides, and some are standing up, if possible.

2.  Slice the mozzarella into ¼-inch thick slices.  Cut the slices in half.

3.  Arrange the mozzarella slices in the center of 4 plates, so they are surrounded by the tomato tubes.

4.  Drizzle the tomato tubes with the balsamic vinegar.

5.  Drizzle the tomatoes and the mozzarella with the olive oil.

6. Dice the lemon zest and sprinkle it over the mozzarella.  Strew the thyme leaves over all, and season with salt and pepper.  Serve immediately, or you can let this sit for up to 30 minutes before serving.


4 servings

4 Responses

    1. It’s a very fun way to use tomatoes. And with the tomato that is left, you can make a marvelous gaspacho. Recipe coming…!

    1. Cathy! Thank you so much and look for a great tomato corer in an antique store – they’re inexpensive and maybe a litle rusty, but you just clean it up, and you’re good to go!

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