Traditions and Regions

Grilled chicken, potatoes, French cuisine

What is it that makes French cuisine beloved?  The question is a good one with multiple answers, the most important being TRADITION.  Traditional French cooking hearkens to three major tenets: terroir, which accounts for the variety of regional cuisines local ingredients, and those that are in season.  These vital elements that have shaped – and continue to influence – traditional French cuisine.  Think dishes like richly flavored Daube de Boeuf (Provencale Beef Stew), Poule au Pot (Henry IV’s Chicken in a Pot), Basque Lamb, or Soupe au Pistou (Southern Vegetable and Pesto Soup). You  will make dishes like these, along with tempting appetizers and crackling fruit tarts and more, to create a meal to enjoy! Add technique and time-honored tips, and you have a class taught by Susan Herrmann Loomis, who has delved deeply into traditional French cuisine. She shares what she knows with you, accompanied by flavorful stories and anecdotes.  Includes a meal.

The Classes


Here, you will head south from Paris to the sun-drenched Mediterranean regions of France.  Expect big flavors, robust dishes, and let yourself be seduced by the elegance too.  We will prepare a five-course meal and enjoy it accompanied by wines from the French Mediterranean regions.


We will visit an outdoor market and you will learn how to choose the finest ingredients.  We will return to the kitchen to prepare our meal, a feast of seasonal surprises.


The French love their vegetables, grains, and starches and have so many ways to present them to make a meal.  Here Susan will instruct you how and when to buy vegetables, how to combine them with grains, cheeses, eggs to make stylish meals for every level of vegetarian! 


The classic dishes of France make the world go ’round.  Excpect comforting old “friends” and prepare to meet “new” and “updated” classics too, because French cuisine is in constant evolution.

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