Flaner–the art of ambling

oyster beds
Picture of Susan Loomis
Susan Loomis

Flâner is a lovely word that means, depending on who says it and when, ambling, taking one’s time, receding from the hustle and bustle of daily life. That’s what I’m doing this week, in Cap Ferret, across the water from Arcachon, and south of Bordeaux.  It’s other name is Paradise.   Herewith, a few photos.

arrival Cap Ferret
Arrival Cap Ferret
A little local “bidet” or …well, it’s a wooden boat!
pinasse rouge
A pinasse, the true local boat 
my bike
Transportation at Cap Ferret
One of the reasons to go to cap Ferret, to get the finest cannellé ever made, from Fredelian patisserie. It’s a local, custardy, caramely confection that only tastes good in Cap Ferret (my opinion, but I’m right!).


sun on beach
Another reason to go to Cap Ferret
oyster beds
And another, because seeing these means eating…oysters!
working oysters
And seeing this means they’re getting the oysters ready…for you and me!
oyster and bread
And finally, perhaps the major reason (aside from all the others) to go to Cap Ferret

This Week’s Recipe

Get the best local oyster you can find, medium-sized
Get some wonderful person to shuck it, and about two dozen others if you’re two
Get some delicious rye or other favorite bread
Get some excellent and lightly salted butter

Finally, a glass of Sauvignon Blanc

Bon Appétit!



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