Rabbit with Dried Plums
If you cannot find rabbit, use chicken in this succulent recipe!
Rabbit in all its Splendor

The biggest hurdle? Peter Rabbit, that wily, lovable blue-jacketed character created by naturalist and author Beatrix Potter. Who couldn’t love him? Who could eat his relatives? Most recipes for rabbit come from the farm – hearty yet delicate, simple and laden with flavor. As it happens, the French can eat his relatives and do, all […]
Grilled Rabbit with Mustard and Crisp Bacon
Rabbit is easily found in most places in the U.S., though it will often be in the frozen food department. Try to find it. It’s beautiful meat – lean, subtle, tender, and it cooks so well, wrapped in bacon, over the coals. The by-word is slow, even cooking. Just be patient, turn it regularly and […]
Cooking with Ramps

Ramps, or what the French call l’ail des ours (bear garlic) has sprouted, flowered, and now is settling in as forest ground cover. Soon its pungent leaves will fade to a pale yellow, and then it will offer no flavor. For now, though, l’ail des ours is still ripe for the picking and eating. This season has been particularly abundant, […]
Grilled Rabbit

The rosé from Domaine Clos des Mourres was chilling, the fire in the grill was flaming outside, friends were walking in the front door. Me? I was cutting up a rabbit and wrapping each piece in bacon, in preparation for putting it over that hot fire outside. The evening was warm and close, the sky a jumble of […]
Whirlwind Meal

Yesterday I welcomed twenty-two Stanford alumni for a spring dinner. I knew the group had two hours to eat, and was prepared down to the final grain of fleur de sel. Rather than offer the aperitif in the kitchen, as I usually do, I arranged everything on the dining room table, thinking it would […]