Salt Cod Goes Uptown

Cod in salt

Salt cod.  It’s not your every day ingredient, I know. But you can find it in most fish markets, often in neat little wood boxes labeled “Salt Cod – Skinless and Boneless fillets”.* The History of Salt Cod Cod has a fascinating, lucrative history.  Much of it has to do with its salted version.  Cod […]

Delicious Sicily

I just spent a few days in Sicily, and floods of memories came back the minute I stepped off the bus in Agrigento –  of candied squash-stuffed butter cookies, bread made with grano duro that tastes hauntingly like cinnamon, mollica (dried, toasted breadcrumbs) which are an essential ingredient in Sicilian cuisine, just-out-of-the-Mediterranean swordfish, almonds that […]

Memories of the Cote d’Azur

I apologize for silence these last several days.  I did something unusual; I took a vacation. I had my computer with me, but it slept the way I did.  I did much more – swam for hours in the Mediterranean, absorbed just enough sun, sipped a few cocktails as the sun set, and took in […]

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