Comté – the Queen of French Cheese

This is not my opinion, this is fact.  Comté is THE Queen of French cheese on the French table.  It’s no wonder.  Made with milk from the brown-spotted Montbéliard and the russet-coated French Simmental, Comté is the perfect combination of sweet, creamy, herbal, nutty, and exquisite. I have just returned from the land where Comté […]

A Hearty Winter Dish

Here’s a great winter dish that you can whip up in no time. It’s a cross between tartiflette – which is made with reblochon and comes from the Savoy, a mountainous departement in the southeast of France – and raclette, which is made with potatoes smothered in raclette and served with cured meats, cornichons and […]

Making Pita in the hills above Sarajevo

A personal dream came true today as I watched Zijada, a Bosniak cook at the mountain chalet Ruralna Kuca, make and roll out the paper-thin dough that makes a Bosnian  pita, or pie, so very special. The dough isn’t like any sort of French pastry.  There is no fat in it, except the sunflower oil […]

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