France 3 Television Comes to On Rue Tatin (And Stays for Supper)
A couple of weeks ago I got a call from a reporter for France 3 Normandie, Christiane Lablancherie. She’s producing a series on Joy at the Table and wanted to include On Rue Tatin. I don’t hold classes during this season, so I suggested she film our monthly wine tasting and she jumped all over […]
Rabbit in all its Splendor
The biggest hurdle? Peter Rabbit, that wily, lovable blue-jacketed character created by naturalist and author Beatrix Potter. Who couldn’t love him? Who could eat his relatives? Most recipes for rabbit come from the farm – hearty yet delicate, simple and laden with flavor. As it happens, the French can eat his relatives and do, all […]
Amuse-Bouches, the Art Of The French Welcome
Amuses in the kitchen The amuse-bouche is the French answer to an appetizer. It can also be called “mise-en-bouche,” or literally “put it in the mouth,” and when I was growing up we called little pre-meal delicacies “hors d’oeuvres.” This latter term seems to have disappeared from the culinary lexicon which is a shame, since […]