Dreaming of Tuscany
We’re having our first grey, drippy autumn day. It’s warm – close to 60F/15.5C but it’s dismal. So naturally I’m dreaming of Tuscany, where I spent three weeks this summer. I was working on a project that had me inside in front of the computer for many, many hours, but I still had plenty of […]
Tapenade in Five – Roughly – Easy Steps
The sun is shining in Aix-en-Provence, whose surrounding region is home to that fabulously flavorful mixture called tapenade. You know it, of course you do. It’s what you dip fennel into, spread on freshly toasted bread, slip under the skin of a chicken before you roast it, or eat right off a spoon. Olives, garlic, […]
Flashback Friday – Disneyland
A dear friend of mine is attending a conference at Disneyland in Anaheim. She told me she was going with her adult colleagues, and I had a flashback to my last visit to the Magical Kingdom. Fiona was six. I had been invited to Disneyland at Epcot to do a cooking demonstration, a gig I […]