Roast Chicken French Style Oh La La

Chicken on Spit | Susan Herrmann Loomis - On Rue Tatin

There is hardly a dish more significantly French than roast chicken.  It’s a universal favorite at home, in the restaurant, at the market.  For us, a Saturday market lunch often includes roast chicken that I buy from a farmer who roasts them “sur place,”.  It’s hot when I buy it, it’s still hot when I turn […]

Fig Jam

I planted my fig tree about seven years ago, to replace an ancient apple tree which was the “apple of my eye”.  She (or he?) was such a lovely part of the garden, planted at least eighty years ago by the nuns who once occupied On Rue Tatin.  She was just the perfect sort of […]

Marmite Dieppoise

fish stew

SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: large, heavy saucepan PREPARATION TIME: 30 minutes DIFFICULTY LEVEL: simple but requires attention

A Special Marmalade From a Special Fruit – The Bergamot

bergamot, France, Morocco

The temperatures have turned wintery here in northern France. I’m between Louviers and Paris, between my wonderful house and my teeny apartment and while I feel the cold, both are equally cozy.  But what this cold weather means, aside from a good and true winter, is  that it’s finally bergamot season!! You’re not cheering the […]

Orange Marmalade

Halved oranges and lemons

Winter is the season of oranges and I don’t think they’ve ever been better. Their juice is like sweet liquid sun, giving energy from the second it begins its slide across the palate. I’m guessing bitter oranges will be as good and flavorful – they certainly smelled like heaven as I squeezed them for their […]

Salt Cod Goes Uptown

Cod in salt

Salt cod.  It’s not your every day ingredient, I know. But you can find it in most fish markets, often in neat little wood boxes labeled “Salt Cod – Skinless and Boneless fillets”.* The History of Salt Cod Cod has a fascinating, lucrative history.  Much of it has to do with its salted version.  Cod […]

Eight Minute Salmon

  I eat salmon very occasionally because I’m a salmon snob. Anyone from the Pacific Northwest is because to us, our wild Pacific salmon is mother’s milk, the essence of life. From the noble Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to the humble humpie (Oncorhynchus gorbuschaa) we grow up eating it the way other people eat chicken, fiercely loyal to its […]

Optimism and Lemon Meringue Pie

Since the election I’ve been searching for optimism.  I’ve found some. There is optimism in people gathering  round.  At the market yesterday, it was a flurry of friendship as people came to me to ask questions, express their feelings and opinions. There is optimism in a woman standing for president, and knowing more people voted […]


VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! And then go home and make some….quince paste!    

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